Brewing coffee in a Chemex is a meditative experience. This manual pour-over method produces a clean, balanced cup of coffee that highlights the distinct origin-based flavours of your coffee. 





A stylish, glass coffee maker with a conical shape

Chemex filters:

Special paper filters designed for the Chemex that remove unwanted oils and residues

30g Coffee:

Your choice of coffee beans, ground to a medium consistency

Coffee Grinder:

To freshly grind your coffee for the best taste

Kettle with temp. control:

For precise heating of water


For accurate measurement of coffee and water


For even distribution of coffee grounds


Set Up the Chemex:

Place a Chemex filter in the Chemex, with the three-layered side covering the spout to ensure proper airflow.


Rinse the filter:

Rinse the filter with hot water to remove papery flavours and preheat the Chemex. Discard the water and place the Chemex on your scales.

Add coffee:

Add 30g of ground coffee to the Chemex. Tap the Chemex to level the coffee bed and zero your scales.


Bloom the coffee:

Start your timer and pour around 90g of water just off the boil over the coffee bed. Let the coffee bloom for 30-45 seconds.


Complete the pour:

Pour slowly in circular motions, aiming for the edges of the coffee bed. Pour until you reach 500g of water, aiming for a total brew time of 2 minutes.


Finish the brew:

Let the water drain through the coffee grounds, around 4-5 minutes. Discard the filter and coffee grounds, then swirl the Chemex gently to mix the coffee before serving.



Tip #1


Darker roasts: Use cooler water to avoid bitterness Lighter roasts: Use hotter water for the best flavour extraction.


Tip #2


Avoiding Clogging: If the brew stalls, insert a long metal straw or chopstick into the spout to let air escape.


Tip #3


Even Extraction: After your final pour, swirl the Chemex gently to level the coffee bed for consistent extraction.


Tip #4


Paperclip for Coffee Bed: Use an opened paperclip to gently break up any clumps in your coffee bed for even distribution.


Tip #5


Create a Central Divot: Use the paperclip to create a small divot in the center of the coffee bed to guide water flow. Alternatively, use your finger, but avoid compacting the bed.

