AeroPress is renowned for its flexibility, and the inverted method offers an alternative approach, producing a full-bodied, nuanced brew.




Large mug:


35g Coffee:

Your choice of coffee beans, ground to a medium consistency

Coffee Grinder:

To freshly grind your coffee for the best taste

Kettle with temp. control:

For precise heating of water


For accurate measurement of coffee and water

Grind Coffee: Grind 30g of coffee to a medium consistency.

Pre-wet and Prepare: Rinse a filter in the AeroPress cap, then attach it securely. Then place the inverted AeroPress on your scales. Add the ground coffee.


First Pour: Pour 150g of hot water over the coffee, ensuring all grounds are saturated. Stir for 10 seconds.


Second Pour: Add an additional 50g of water, attach the cap, and let it steep for 1 minute.



Flip and Press: Carefully flip the AeroPress onto your mug and press down gently to complete the brew


Dilute to taste: Add an extra 100g of hot water. Stir and enjoy.




Tip #1


Pre-Wet the Filter: Rinse the filter in the AeroPress cap to ensure a proper seal and prevent any papery taste.


Tip #2


Careful Flip: When using the inverted method, flip the AeroPress carefully to avoid spills.


Tip #3


Keep it Cool(er): This recipe is even more delicious if you use water at 85°C instead of 92°C

